How to lose 10 pounds in 7 days

Is it realistic to lose 2-3 or more pounds in a week at home? Yes, this is absolutely real, but only under certain conditions. If you do not know how to lose weight, but have a strong desire to lose weight, read this article carefully. Weight loss is a complex process and consists of individual elements.

So how do you lose weight in a week? To lose weight quickly and properly and at the same time not harm the body, pay attention to two main factors - nutrition and exercise.

Proper nutrition

Weight loss girl for proper nutrition

How to lose weight in a week at home? You do not need to starve and exhaust yourself with heavy strength training. For starters, it is enough to review your diet and create an optimal menu for the week.Eat healthy to lose weight.

This means that you should eat partially, ie at least 5 times a day with an interval of 3-4 hours. Eat in small portions (about 200 grams each). At the same time, we recommend that you completely give up the following products that are harmful to your figure:

  • salt and sugar;
  • strong coffee, tea;
  • ketchup, mayonnaise and other carcinogenic fat products;
  • sweet pastries;
  • fresh white bread;
  • fried food;
  • fatty foods.

By eliminating all of the above from your diet, you will no longer wonder if you can lose weight in a week. You will see the changes almost immediately. In this case, focus on healthy foods. It will help you lose weight at home for 1 week and at the same time will nourish you well.

Everyone who loses weight should eat fruits and vegetables - sources of carbohydrates and fiber. Fruits are best eaten before lunch (this will help normalize your weight). And in general, during these seven days, pay more attention to plant foods. But you will not be full of grass, so you should also eat animal protein in the form of lean meat (rabbit, beef, chicken, but not pork).

Not sure how to lose weight? Eat lean fish - a source of a basic element called phosphorus. And, of course, one of the prerequisites is drinking very plain water (up to 2 liters per day).

Physical activity

Physical inactivity (or reduced mobility) not only has a negative effect on health, but also leads to rapid weight gain. That is why those for whom it is really important to lose weight urgently, should not only eat properly, but also pay attention to physical activity every day. After all, healthy eating is only half the battle, you will need to adjust your figure by burning excess calories (entering the body with food).

Swimming in the pool

So how can you lose weight in a week through physical activity? To do this, you need to exercise daily:

  • works;
  • swimming;
  • squats;
  • push-ups;
  • download;
  • brisk walking;
  • cycling;
  • work on simulators.

There are really no specific recommendations for this type of exercise. This can be any activity or group of exercises from the presented list. For many people and every second person who has lost weight, sport has become a way of life.

However, you do not need to spend hours in the gym. It is enough to spend about 60 minutes for physical activity.

Exercise is the second important ingredient that, along with proper nutrition, allows you to lose weight in a week without dieting. Nothing is given just like that, you have to sacrifice something. In this case we are talking about strength and time. This is the only way to lose weight in a relatively short time.


We understood what to eat and what should be excluded from the diet, we learned about the great importance of regular physical activity. But proper nutrition and exercise are just two (though the safest) ways to lose weight. The third is with the help of a specific energy system. How many pounds can you lose in a week if you follow a strict diet? Experience shows that it is possible to lose 3 to 10 pounds (depending on the program).

Water (remove 5 kg)

It is immediately necessary to warn that such a diet is very difficult, can not do without willpower and stubborn desire. You can eat all kinds of low-fat and low-calorie foods, but only in moderation and balance. You should drink water 30 minutes before and after meals (no more than 3 glasses). After 18: 00 you must completely refuse food.

Drink slightly warmed water as cold water slows down the metabolism. If you feel hungry, drink a glass (200 g) of water. Toxins and toxins will be removed from the body naturally. However, be careful because electrolytes and minerals are removed from the body in the same way. Therefore, the diet is practiced only in extreme cases (when you need to lose weight fast enough).

Buckwheat (remove 7 kg)

Not sure how to lose weight fast? Then pay attention to one of the lowest calorie foods - buckwheat (it should be eaten cooked every day without salt, sugar, oil and spices). For a change, sometimes you can drink kefir and be sure to consume at least 1, 5-2 liters of clean water a day. At the end of the week (6-7 days) you can eat non-food vegetables or fruits. The buckwheat diet proved to be very effective.


The girl loses weight on kefir

How many kg do you think you can lose in a week with kefir? Experts say that with such a diet it is easy to get rid of 10 extra pounds. Up to 500 ml of low-fat or low-fat kefir should be consumed per day. It is advisable to diversify the menu.

  • So, on the first day you can eat about four boiled potatoes with skin (without salt and other additives).
  • The second day - no more than 400 g of fresh cottage cheese.
  • The third is about a pound of fruit.
  • Fourth - boil up to 400 g of boiled chicken breast.
  • On the fifth day, eat 400 grams of vegetables.
  • On the sixth - no food, only mineral water (the so-called hungry day).
  • On the seventh day you can consume half a liter of kefir and no more than 600 g of fruit.

Drink plenty of fluids (up to 2 liters) during the week.


Now you know how to lose weight in a week, but do not forget about the main danger of fast diets - rapid weight gain after the end. In order not to regain the eliminated pounds with such difficulty, eat a balanced diet, focus on long-term results.

For example, if 10 kg have passed in one week, then you need to hold on with all your might for about 5-10 months to consolidate your success.During this time, your body will get used to your newfound body weight and perceive it as normal.

Numerous videos on the web make this clear.

Helpful Hints

The following tips will help you lose weight more effectively:

  • More slow carbs, less fat.
  • Learn to count your calories.
  • No diet if you find it painfully difficult.
  • Not sure how to lose weight? Consult a nutritionist.
  • Praise yourself every day for your efforts.
  • Forget about weighing the scales for a while.
  • No bad habits (smoking, alcohol).

It's not hard to learn how to lose weight in 7 days, it's definitely harder to get to the end and not get lost. Believe in yourself - and you will surely succeed.